Cable Assembly, SMA Jack Bulkhead, to UFL Plug RA, RG178, 50mm, A85UFL-178-50


Cable Assembly, SMA Jack Bulkhead, to UFL Plug RA, RG178, 50mm 

Part Number: A85UFL-178-50 

A85- SMA Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead 

UFL- Plug (conventional Male),  Right Angle 

Cable Type: RG178
Length: 50mm

RFShopUK-Other UFL Assemblies

£7.76 - £9.13 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 49 in stock

Cable Assembly, SMA Plug to SMA Jack BH, 195 cable, 2M,


Cable Assembly, SMA Plug to SMA Jack BH, 195 cable, 2M, 

Part Number: A30A85-195-2000, 

Connector 1: SMA Plug (Conventional Male), 

Connector 2: SMA Jack (Conventional Female), 

 : Bulkhead, 

Cable Type:  195 series, 

Length: 2m, 

RFShopUK: Other SMA Assemblies

£10.74 - £12.63 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 4 in stock

Cable Assembly, TNC Jack to UFL, RG178, Bulkhead, 300mm T85UFL-178-300


Part Number: UFLT85-178-300 , Connector 1: U.FL
Connector 2: Bulkhead TNC Jack (Female Pin)
Cable Type: RG178
Length: 300mm

£7.39 - £8.69 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 13 in stock

Coaxial Assembly, SMA, Jack, Bulkhead, to MMCX, Plug, Right Angle, 100 Series, 0.3M, A85MMCX39-100-300


Coaxial Assembly, SMA, Jack, Bulkhead, to MMCX, Plug, Right Angle, 100 Series, 0.3M

Part Number: A85MMCX39-100-300

Connector 1: SMA Jack (Conventional Female) Bulkhead

Connector 2: MMCX Plug (Conventional Male) Right Angle

Cable: 100 Series

Length: 300mm

For bespoke Cable Assemblies contact us directly for a quote.

RFShopUK-Other 100 Series Assemblies

RFShopUK-Other A85MMCX39 Assemblies

£7.74 - £9.10 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 25 in stock

Coaxial Assembly, SMA, RP Jack, Bulkhead, to MMCX, Plug, Right Angle, 100 Series, 0.3M, A95MMCX39-100-300


Coaxial Assembly, SMA, RP Jack, Bulkhead, to MMCX, Plug, Right Angle, 100 Series, 0.3M

Part Number: A95MMCX39-100-300

Connector 1: SMA Reverse Polarity Jack (Female with Male Pin) Bulkhead

Connector 2: MMCX Plug (Conventional Male) Right Angle

Cable: 100 Series

Length: 300mm

For bespoke Cable Assemblies contact us directly for a quote.

RFShopUK-Other 100 Series Assemblies

RFShopUK-Other A95MMCX39 Assemblies

£7.44 - £8.75 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 55 in stock

MiniBNC30MiniBNC85-RG316-1000 Mini BNC connector cable assembly


Part Number: MiniBNC30MiniBNC85-RG316-1000 , Mini BNC (male) pin, Mini BNC female pin(BH), RG316 Cable, Length = 1 metre

£12.29 - £14.46 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 10 in stock

MMCX Plug (Conventional Male), Right Angle, to N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, RG316, 200mm, MMCX39-N85-316-200


Part Number: N85MMCX39-316-200

MMCX Plug (Conventional Male), Right Angle, to N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, RG316, 200mm, MMCX39-N85-316-200

Cable Type: RG316
Length: 200mm

£8.13 - £9.57 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 10 in stock

MMCX Plug (Conventional Male), Right Angle, to N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, RG316, 300mm, MMCX39N85-316-300


Part Number: N85MMCX39-316-300

MMCX Plug (Conventional Male), Right Angle, to N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, RG316, 300mm, MMCX39N85-316-300

Cable Type: RG316
Length: 300mm

£8.37 - £9.85 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 10 in stock

N Bulkhead Jack to RP SMA Plug, 200 series cable, 700mm N85A60-200-700


Part Number: N85A60-200-700 , Connector 1: N Bulkhead Jack (Female pin)
Connector 2: RP SMA Plug (Female pin)
Cable Type: low loss 200 series 0.6 dB per metre at 2.5GHz

Length: 700mm
Loss: ~0.7dB @ 2.45 GHz

£8.60 - £10.12 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 21 in stock

N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, to UFL, RG178, 300mm, N85UFL-178-300


Part Number: N85UFL-178-300

N Jack (Conventional Female), Bulkhead, to UFL, RG178, 300mm, N85UFL-178-300

Previously UFLN85-178-300

£8.32 - £9.79 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 5 in stock

N Plug to FME Bulkhead Plug, 200 series cable, 700mm N30FME35-200-700


Part Number: N30FME35-200-700 , Connector 1: N Plug (Male pin)
Connector 2: FME Bulkhead Plug (Male pin)
Cable Type: low loss 200 series 0.6 dB per metre at 2.5GHz

Length: 700mm

£9.72 - £11.44 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 10 in stock

N Plug to N Bulkhead Jack, 200 series cable, 0.5m N30N85-200-500


Part Number: N30N85-200-500 , Connector 1: N Plug (Male pin)
Connector 2: N Bulkhead Jack (Female pin)
Cable Type: low loss 200 series 0.6 dB per metre at 2.5GHz

Length: 0.5m

£11.60 - £13.65 Ex Vat
Avaibility: 9 in stock

Showing 13–24 of 95 results